Frequently asked questions by the Ubeya platform Admins and users
How can I log in to the app?Employers' FAQ
How can I switch between daily and shift-based employee status?Employer's FAQ
What are the consequences of deleting or deactivating employees?Employer's FAQ
My employee is experiencing difficulties with accessing the Ubeya app.Employer's FAQ
Can I share the list of employees who have booked for an event with my client?Employer's FAQ
Is it possible to notify only a group of select employees regarding a particular shift or event?Employer's FAQ
I am trying to locate a certain employee but they are not appearing on the 'Employee Module'.Employers' FAQ
Why am I not getting any app notifications?Employer's FAQ
Can I select which details about the event are visible to my employees when they apply?Employers' FAQ
Is it possible to set a fixed break time for all employees during an event?Employers' FAQ
What are the time capturing options available?Employers' FAQ
What is a company code & Where can I find it?
Update Your Billing Information
Can I customize the SMS invitation sent to employees?