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Troubleshoot Notifications Not Showing On Android Crew App
Troubleshoot Notifications Not Showing On Android Crew App

Find out why you're not getting notifications on the app and restore them

Nahumi Hay avatar
Written by Nahumi Hay
Updated over a year ago

Notifications may not show up on your Android device due to one of several scenarios:

  • The Android device isn't providing any notifications at all.

  • Only the Ubeya app isn't issuing alerts when it should.

  • You received notifications when the app first launched, but then it stopped.

  • Notifications stop working when you only have a cellular or Wi-Fi connection.

Please Note - Before troubleshooting, ensure a stable internet connection by checking network connectivity (cellular or Wi-Fi). If Google Search doesn't work, address any network connection issues with your Wi-Fi or mobile data.

Cause of Notifications Not Showing up on Android

There are many different causes for not receiving notifications on your Android.

  • Do Not Disturb or Airplane Mode is on.

  • Either system or app notifications are disabled.

  • Power or data settings are preventing apps from presenting notification alerts.

  • Outdated apps or OS software can cause apps to freeze or crash and not deliver notifications.

How to Fix No Notifications on Android

Here are some of the ways to fix it when notifications are not showing up on your Android device.

  1. Ensure Do Not Disturb is disabled. If enabled, turn it off.

  2. Restart your phone to automatically resolve various issues.

  3. Check system notification settings before investigating further.

  4. Confirm app notifications are enabled for the Ubeya app.

  5. Review and adjust battery-saving settings, avoiding Battery Saver Mode.

  6. Clear app cache and data to resolve unusual behavior.

  7. Keep the Ubeya app updated for optimal performance.

  8. Confirm the app isn't restricted from running in the background.

  9. Clear your Android cache partition to fix potential system-wide problems.

  10. Review Mobile Data Usage settings to avoid unintentional restrictions.

  11. Install all system updates for your Android device to stay current with features affecting notifications.

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